目前分類:實用的工具 (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1.    Why Are You Interested in This Role?

I have been working in the chip industry for over ten years and have all it takes to succeed in this role. This job’s description further fits my expertise. I have also always wanted to work for your company since my internship days, and therefore, it will be an honor if given a chance to do so. 我在芯片行業工作了十多年,擁有成功擔任這個角色所需的一切。這份工作的描述更符合我的專業知識。從實習開始,我也一直想為貴公司工作,因此,如果有機會這樣做,將是一種榮幸。

2.    Mention the Difference Between a Virtual and Pure Virtual Function in System Verilog


A virtual function allows the overriding of implementation of a function in a given derived class. Therefore, the base class doesn’t need to implement the virtual function. 0n the other hand, a pure virtual function only has the declaration and lacks any implementation. Therefore, any derivative class must implement the function. 虛函數允許覆蓋給定派生類中函數的實現。因此,基類不需要實現虛函數。 0n 另一方面,純虛函數只有聲明,沒有任何實現。因此,任何派生類都必須實現該功能。

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1. What is UVM factory?

UVM Factory is used to manufacture (create) UVM objects and components. Apart from creating the UVM objects and components the factory concept essentially means that you can modify or substitute the nature of the components created by the factory without making changes to the testbench.

UVM Factory 用於製造(創建)UVM 對象和組件。 除了創建 UVM 對象和組件之外,工廠概念本質上意味著您可以修改或替換工廠創建的組件的性質,而無需更改測試台。

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C++ learning of leetcode (Difficulty: easy)



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目前版本 :兩隻小豬Line@ V1.2



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